Fix Business Operations Problems
Do you have specific problems in your operation and want help to fix them?
Using a combination of observation, data analysis, colleague & customer feedback and many years of experience fixing operational problems, we will quickly home in on root causes, define and propose strategies to address, and help implement those changes.
We will apply our ‘compound’ approach to breaking this down into small bite size changes, which will start to impact your business immediately and build positive momentum.
Scroll down for more details on tour approach to fixing operational problems.
Our Approach
This is an outline approach we would take to help you fix operations problems. Of course, nothing is set in stone though - and any work we do with you will be bespoke.
One size does not fit all in this regard and so we would welcome the opportunity to discuss how we can help you.

Build A Deep Understanding
It is easy to get lost in the output of the problem (for example; low bottom line, high complaints volumes, colleague absence levels etc), rather than truly finding your way to the problems themselves.
Really digging in at this stage and getting right to the root of the issue is vital. It is often surprising to find that the key drivers of the problem, may not be what you instinctively believed them to be.
This can include:
Process Mapping & Review
Operations Observations
Data Analysis
Customer & Colleague Research

Solutions Build
When defining solutions, it is important to involve all the right parties. This could be customers, technology partners, regulatory bodies, and of course internal teams & colleagues.
Once a long list of actions or ideas to address the issue, each one can be appraised for cost vs impact - as well as ‘do-ability’. Of course, depending on the extent of the issues being addressed, this part of the process will be very different in each scenario.
Things to consider:
Internal resources that will be required
External partners that will help
Don't be constrained by current practices
Encourage innovation!

Activity Planning
This is where we will apply the ‘compound’ effect to layer the actions in such a way that it quickly starts to deliver benefits for your business and helps builds motivation and momentum behind the activity.
Items to consider here are:
Solid planning - even for smaller projects and changes
Understanding milestones
Resource identification
Defining dependencies, risks and issues

Project Discipline
Instilling project discipline within your solution implementation is vital - no matter how big or small the work required. Each business will have its own desired level of rigour in this area - and many already have some of this defined.
No matter what your principles in this area, you should consider:
Activity Tracking & Management
Cost & Benefits Monitoring
Reporting and Communication
Risk & Issue Mitigation

And now, let's get on with it! If you've comprehensively covered the other 4 areas, you can be broadly confident in the implementation of your solution. And here, is where our 'compound' approach comes to life - as implementation happens piece-by-piece and you start to see the issues fade.
Important considerations in this phase:
Operational & business expertise
Colleague & Customer Engagement
Clear & accountable project resource management
Strong project sponsorship / leadership
With every business being unique, we will never provide or use 'cookie cutter' approaches to solving operational problems. We approach every project in a bespoke fashion and if you believe you could benefit from our expertise, we would encourage you to talk to us. Click the button below to see the ways we can connect.